Shining a light when you need us most

Help is right around the corner. Submitting a claim is quick, easy, and hassle-free. Edison provides you with resources to immediately engage vendors who will mitigate damages and a step-by-step guide on what to expect during the claims process.

Policyholder Portal

Filing a claim is just a click away. Sign on to the Policyholder Portal to file online and receive your claim number.

Claims Department

Our representatives are ready to assist with your claim Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm or Saturday and Sunday 8am - 5pm at 888-683-7971.

Your Agent

Need further assistance filing your claim?  Contact your agent to discuss your policy coverages and how to file a claim.

The Claims Journey

Knowing what to expect during the claims process will allow you to rest assured Edison Insurance is focused on you.


Upon filing your claim, an adjuster will be assigned who will contact you within 48 hours to inspect the loss.


The adjuster will take pictures and measurements and prepare a report of the damages.


You may submit any receipts or photos of the damage, mitigation expenses, or any other out-of-pocket costs you may have incurred due to the loss.


Our claims team will review all pictures, receipts, measurements, inspection reports and the policy to determine coverage.


Upon final review, our claims team will contact you with the details of your claim, explain the coverage extended by your policy,  and provide a claims determination package.

Emergency Mitigation Services: Preferred Vendors

When you have a loss, call us first. Our team is ready to begin the restoration/recovery process by having emergency services available. Prevent further damage by requesting immediate help with:

Water Mitigation
Roof Tarping
Debris removal

Our pre-approved vendors are already vetted, licensed and reputable contractors you can trust.

Need an expert’s opinion?

We work with thousands of agents located in a neighborhood near you. To discuss your insurance needs, contact one of our agent representatives.

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