Giving your home a little extra TLC can go a long way in keeping you and your family safe, saving a little money, and increasing your home's value. Check out these simple projects you can do to show your home some love:
Power Wash
Your deck and driveway can become stained by mildew, wet leaves, and automotive leaks. Give those areas a thorough power wash for a renewed look.
Get your ducts in a row
If your dryer is not as efficient as it used to me, lint could be the culprit. Lint buildup in your ducts also increases your risk of a fire. Clean your ducts by moving your dryer away from the wall, unplugging the dryer, disconnecting the ductwork and vacuuming out the duct. Should you not feel confident performing this task, call a professional.
Switch to a Programmable Thermostat
If your house still has an old dial thermostat, you may want to consider switching to a programmable one. Programmable thermostats allow you to vary the temperature in your home accurately and may save you some money on your energy bill. Click here for installation instructions.
Change your faucets
Is it time to update your old, leaky faucet? Grab a wrench, turn off your water supply, and install a more efficient faucet. By changing your faucet, you may save some money on your water bill.
Clean the Carpets
If you have carpeted areas in your home, they can become victim to spills, and accidents. Ideally, you should have your carpet professionally cleaned yearly. However, if you are looking to save some money, rent a home carpet cleaning machine from a participating store and bring your carpets back to life.
We hope you take these tips into consideration and show your house a little love.
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