Holidays like New Year's Eve and the Fourth of July are enjoyed by many-especially when there are fireworks displays involved. With the pandemic putting a damper on these events the last couple of years, we are all looking forward to the new year and a return to normalcy by gathering and enjoying firework displays at home with family. However, fireworks can be dangerous. If you live in a state where fireworks are legal for use, it is important to follow the proper safety precautions for your well-being and the safety of everyone around you.
In preparation for holiday celebrations, here are 10 fireworks safety tips to remember.
- Always place fireworks on a hard, level, fireplace surface.
- Shoot fireworks off in a wide, open area, away from flammable materials.
- Designate a responsible adult to set off fireworks.
- Keep everyone at a minimum of 200 feet away from the fireworks once you are ready to set them off.
- Refrain from placing any part of your body directly over fireworks when lighting the fuse.
- Do not point or throw fireworks at another person.
- Adults should supervise young children around fireworks.
- Avoid re-lighting or picking up fireworks which have failed to ignite.
- Light fireworks one at a time and move away quickly.
- Place used fireworks in a plastic bag and then in a covered trash can after they have been submerged in water.
If you are unsure about how to use your fireworks before setting them off, take a moment to do some research and read the instructions carefully to prevent an accident. If available in your area, another option is to attend a public firework display and leave it in the hands of professionals. We hope you will take our suggestions into consideration before lighting your fireworks. Enjoy them and be safe.
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