Hosting Thanksgiving dinner can be rewarding when you see family and friends come together to have a great time. However, if you don't plan ahead, things can get pretty messy. If it's your turn to host dinner this year, you'll want to take a look at these safety tips:
Start cooking earlier: If you can be finished with your entire meal before your guests arrive, you'll be one step ahead the entire night. We understand it may not always go this way but try to get most of the cooking finished before guests arrive, so you can focus more on them.
Don't do too many things at once: It's important to take your time and not get too frazzled when balancing guests and your meal. Remember, your guests can mingle until dinner is ready. They understand you are busy hosting and it's okay to take a step back to make sure your everything is in working order.
Keep an eye on the kitchen: When everyone starts to pile in, you'll want to be extra careful with what's happening around the kitchen area. There's a chance your stove and oven will be packed full of food items. Make sure you know exactly what's cooking, and when it needs to come out. If you lose track of what's happening in the kitchen, this is a sure way to start a fire.
Ask for help: It's tough for a host to do it all on his/her own. Ask for help from others in the household. With more hands-on deck, things will go a lot smoother, and you can cover more bases.
Keep an eye on your belongings: Most importantly, keep an eye on certain areas of your home. Guests may have the urge to wander, but it is best if you keep everyone in a general area, such as the living room and dining room. This way, you'll know what's going on at all times.
We hope you'll keep these tips in mind when hosting dinner this year. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
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