Spring is finally here, which means freshly blooming flowers, happily chirping birds, and a hint of warmth in the air. Spring signifies rebirth, new growth, and vitality. Here are some steps to a successful Spring cleaning.
- Use the appropriate cleaning supplies: If your kitchen has stainless steel appliances or you have granite countertops, be sure to use a cleaning substance which is made for the specific material, giving it a better clean.
- De-Clutter: Now is the time to go through your cupboard, pantry and refrigerator to clear out expired or unhealthy items. It is easy for old or expired items to go unnoticed, so take the time to sort through everything and re-organize. Getting rid of unhealthy items signifies the start of a healthier lifestyle.
- Tackle the refrigerator: This means the inside and the outside. The best thing to do is remove all of the items from your refrigerator, along with the drawers and shelves and clean everything individually. Before putting the items back in, clean the surfaces which cannot be removed with a sponge.
- Change your normal routine: A new season calls for a fresh start. Try something new, such as weekly family activities, diet, exercise, etc.
- Clean the windows: Windows are one of the many things in your home which go unnoticed year-round. Cleaning each window in the house, inside and out, may seem time consuming, but doing so will make your home sparkle. Tip: Wash your windows on a cloudy day, to prevent the sun from drying the cleanser before you finish wiping, which avoids streaking.
- Rip out weeds and plant new seeds: Since you are cleaning the inside of your home, you might as well clean the outside as well. Make an effort to remove the weeds growing in your garden and replace them with seeds which will let your garden flourish.
- Deep clean your oven and dishwasher: If you noticed a burning smell when you turn on your oven, it is because something actually is burning. After cooking many meals, there may actually be food stuck to the inside if your oven which is burning every time you turn it on. With a sprinkle of baking soda and white vinegar, it should be easy to scrub off the mess. As for your dishwasher, after you've cleared any food pieces from the bottom, run an empty cycle with safe dishwasher cleanser.
- Have your carpets steam-cleaned: The choice to bring in a professional or handle the task yourself is ultimately yours, but it is best to deep clean your carpets 3-4 times a year. Even though your carpet may appear to be clean, they are proven to hold a lot of bacteria and dirt, especially from shoes.
When the time comes to deep clean your home, be sure to do a complete walk-around in your home and focus on areas you usually wouldn't. Have your family members help out and assign each person a different task so you can get the job done quicker. This is the key to a successful Spring cleaning. Wishing you a great season of new beginnings.
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