According to the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 2.3 million children are accidentally injured every year and more than 2,500 are killed. Because of this, it is extremely important you take measures to child-proof your home. Here are some tips to keep your children safe in your home:
Hire a professional: If you are worried your "DIY project" won't do the trick, hire a professional to do the work. This will give you peace of mind and you'll be certain nothing falls through the cracks.
Get a "baby's eye view" of your home: You won't realize how many things a child is able to get into unless you take a look for yourself. As silly as it may seem, get down on your hands and knees and take a crawl through the house. Ask questions such as: "What looks tempting?", "What would I touch if I were a baby?", and "What's within reach?". Anything which draws your attention should be child-proofed.
Pay attention to all life stages: As your baby grows, you will need to consider reevaluating your home. There will be more things your child can reach and grab, such as items from low surfaces like coffee tables.
Lock up potential poisons: It only takes a second for a child to put something into their mouths. Lock away cleaning supplies such as bleach, along with sharp objects and medicines.
Beware of tiny objects: Keep an eye out for small pieces on the floor such as coins, beads and paper clips which your baby could choke on and avoid buying toys which contain these things. If there are other children in the home who play with small toys, be sure to designate an area where they can store them, away from your baby.
Be wary of visitors: Although you may have child-proofed your home, it doesn't mean your guests' pockets and purses are child-proof as well. Babies are curious and will be attracted to new things.
Install gates: This is something a professional may insist on when evaluating your home, but if you are doing it yourself, it is something you should consider. Installing gates in your home allows you to keep your baby in a designated area, as well as away from prohibited dangers such as stairs and open doors. Generally, you should invest in gates which are difficult for children to dislodge or break, but ones you can easily open and close in the case of an emergency.
We hope you will take these suggestions into consideration when child proofing your home. For more information and other ways to keep your home safe, visit www.parenting.com.
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