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Edison Insurance Company
Hosting the Holidays: Tips to Prevent Accidents

Hosting the Holidays: Tips to Prevent Accidents

Holidays can be a time of hosting fun celebrations with family and friends at home. Amidst the holiday cheer, homeowners should take measures to prevent accidents from occurring. According to NFPA, in 2019, the three leading dates for home structure fires caused by cooking were: Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day. Follow some of these holiday hosting tips to prevent accidents from occurring in your home.
Homeowners Insurance Tips for Halloween

Homeowners Insurance Tips for Halloween

For many families, Halloween is one of their favorite days of the year. Along with preparing a for a fun night of festivities, it’s important to take time to make sure our family and homes are safe.
Fire Prevention Tips for Homeowners

Fire Prevention Tips for Homeowners

Nobody expects a fire to occur in their home or property, however, accidents do occur. If you are not careful, a small fire can become devastating within a matter of seconds. Some of the most common types of fires include heating fires, cooking/kitchen fires, candles or open flame fires, and wildfires. As a homeowner, it is important you know your risk of a fire occurring, how to prevent a fire, and what to do in the event of a fire. By following some of the fire safety information below, you ca
Don’t Procrastinate, Prepare During National Preparedness Month

Don’t Procrastinate, Prepare During National Preparedness Month

September is National Preparedness Month, serving to remind Florida residents to be prepared for natural disasters and emergencies. September is also the statistical “peak” of Hurricane season when Florida tends to see the largest number of disturbances and the highest risk of major storms forming in the Atlantic. We encourage you to follow some of our tips and take this month to be proactive with all your disaster plans for emergencies such as hurricanes, floods or fires.
The Importance of Having a Home Inventory

The Importance of Having a Home Inventory

Keeping track of your valuable items shouldn’t be tedious and stressful. Creating a home inventory is an easy and important task all homeowners and renters should do to protect their personal belongings. We want to make sure our policyholders understand the importance of having a home inventory by reading some of our suggestions and tips below.
4 College Student Insurance Tips

4 College Student Insurance Tips

Sending kids off to college can be an emotional and sometimes stressful process. Parents want to ensure their child is protected while away, and often ask what insurance coverage students may have. To help you understand your college student’s coverage, we share a few tips to follow below.
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